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                                 MAY 28, 2019
  Learning from each other
      Respect, Ethics, and Mediation
Mary Lou Frank, INADR President
INADR’s mission, which we just updated
this year, is to “build through education,
world-wide recognition of the power of
dispute resolution processes to peacefully
resolve conflflicts and promote conciliation and healing.’ It is our belief that we can provide professional mediation education experiences with the core values of integrity, honesty, responsibility, excellence, and respect. We are so committed to these values that this year we have had a “best practices” committee focused on continually improving our work. We realize we live in a world with diffffering needs and often motivations that are rooted in expediency.
At a conference, a few years ago, a speaker talked about methods to “trick” individuals in mediation. The techniques that were described focused on using whatever methods possible to coax people into settlement and “win,” asserting that “no one notices.” We notice. Some of the methods used were “faking empathy” and dishonesty. We have all see these behaviors. In every profession, some people rely on deceit in the absence of ability. While sometimes successful, these techniques disrespect the integrity of the individual as well as the mediation process. When we manipulate, we will never heal a relationship or provide a lasting resolution. Most of us don’t like being manipulated as it erodes trust and belief in a process. Ultimately, deceit can deepen a conflflict.
Many countries have standards for mediators, just as we have ethical codes for each profession. While we all know there are individuals who may not hold to these standards, at INADR, these ethical markers are core to our values. We also believe in the potential each of you bring to the trainings and to the tournaments we provide.
Our international efffforts are grounded in a deep commitment to mutual respect and understanding. We know you will hear difffferent messages, as I have at times. As mediators, we are at our best when we honor the people in conflflict and the process that heals or resolves the difffferences. With this approach, mediation develops a groundwork for peace. At INADR, that is our hope and our mission.