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                                Sometimes it takes a tiny kitten to remind us of the power of a fighting spirit. Ray, as he is now called, was born with a neurological problem that makes his hind legs unworkable and no eyes due
to a a condition called Microphthalmia. He is also prone to seizures, but these are now controlled with medication. Despite his limitations, Ray fought to live and today lives with gusto. He plays with toys and is especially fond of those with bells; he purrs blissfully as he kneads his blanket into the perfect bed. He loves his food and treats and a shake of the treat container will have him scooting across the floor at lightening speed. He alternately cuddles with or playfully bats the cat friends who share his home and he thinks a good head scratch is amazing. Ray also loves music, especially old classics, and in fact, is named in honor of legendary musician Ray Charles. When his mom puts on his favorite tunes, his little head turns and you can see him relax into a state of contentment. Life is good for Ray, but things easily might have gone the other way.
Carrie Barron of Rye, New Hampshire is Ray’s mom. She has adored animals since childhood so it was no surprise that as an adult she would quickly discover the joys of fostering and adopting rescues. She has now fostered 16 kittens as well as adult cats and she and her partner are blessed with a cat family of nine, many of them former foster “children.” She was on Facebook when she saw a “Like” for The Odd Cat Sanctuary in Salem, Massachusetts and quickly became intrigued. The Odd Cat Sanctuary (see sidebar) specializes in taking in and finding homes for cats with special needs, senior cats and cats from high kill shelters. Carrie was especially taken by the story of Jason, a young, semi-feral cat who had been beaten and suffered a broken jaw. Numerous vets recommended that Jason be put down, but Tara (last name withheld), founder of Odd Cat, saw how he still purred and ate voraciously despite his injury. She
vowed to give him a chance. Jason did live and when he needed fostering, Carrie stepped in. She quickly fell in love and Jason, now called Finn, became family.
When The Odd Cat Sanctuary called about a
tiny disabled kitten needing fostering, Carrie and
her partner, Ryan, did not hesitate to say “yes” even though a surprise was in store. “We knew he was blind, but had not realized that he could not walk and still needed to be bottle fed,” says Carrie. “I got him home and then was really scared because I wasn’t sure I could give him the proper care. I had never cared for an animal so young and with so many issues. I went out to get more supplies and when I came home, Ryan had him wrapped in a blanket and was feeding him. Ray was so happy. He was purring up a storm and we both knew then and there that he was ours and we would do anything to help him have a good life.”
Ray’s leg disability cannot be fixed. It stems from
a developmental spinal issue near his shoulders. He can feel his legs, but they will not move separately,
so no walking motion is possible. If he tries to move one, they both move. Vets are not sure what caused the problem, but suspect his mother was exposed to a virus while carrying Ray, who was an only kitten. Despite his limitations, Carrie notes that Ray has no trouble maneuvering around their home and does not look for help. “We have made sure that there are no hard edges in the home and all of the stairways are blocked,” she says. “He has learned the layout of the house and at night, sleeps in my office. He has his choice of beds--a floor blanket, a bed, and my sofa which he can climb up on. His front paws are very strong.”
Continued on page 10.
A Ray of Sunshine
Ray’s inspiring